Monday, June 18, 2012

Interview: Dreaming Couture

This is the fourth post in the June Edition of RANDOM Magazine.

Hello everyone! Today I will share with you our interview with the winners of our contest: Dreaming Couture!

Basic intro : Dreaming Couture are a group of 3 girls (Daphne, Anne, and Pam) dreaming about fashion.

Now for the questions :D


Basic Questions :

1. Who is your idol/inspiration ?

Daphne: I don't know...I guess my parents. Haha corny!
 Anne: Umm. I admire Taylor Swift of course her classic outfits and dresses are so fairy tale like :-) and I really admire my Aunt's and my mom ( of course ) because they just dress so awesome !
Pam: Uhh.. I have a lot but my mom! XD

 2. What are your hobbies and interests?

  Daphne: I really like reading, photography, writing, and drawing. Oh! And shopping. ;)
  Anne: My hobbies with an S are typically a lot, reading, dressing up, flying unicorns you name it ;-)
  Pam: Photography, Sketching, doodling, dancing out of randomness and other weird stuff.. XD

3. What is your dream career?

  Daphne: I want to work either in a teen magazine. Also to be part time photographer/author/designer!
  Anne: Mine is a designing job where I get to dress up, be myself and just enjoy it while working :-)
  Pam: LIKE RACHELLE ZOE. OMG, I wanna be a stylist-slash-designer-slash-something-else! XD

4. Describe yourself in 3 words.

  Daphne: I'm. Just. Me.
  Anne: One. Special. Person.
  Pam: Very. VERY. Perky!

 5. What are your similarities and what make you significantly different from the average teenager?

 Daphne:  I love the trends but I think I can be different because sometimes I want to totally go AGAINST the trends.
  Anne: I guess trends make you blend in but it's your own style that makes you different and unique
  Pam: Just and ordinary girl waiting for something interesting to happen but very very very VERY wild. (I sleep at 9-WHUTS)

Fashion and blog related questions:

6. Who or where did you get your fashion sense from?

  Daphne: Magazines, TV, and my mature/classic side from my mom.
  Anne: Magazines and inspiration I guess :-)
  Pam: TV, and my mom. XD

 7. How old were you when you first liked fashion and cared about how you dressed?

  Daphne: 11 or 12 :). I DID have cute stuff, I just didn't care. XD
  Anne: I agree with Daphne before I was just wearing who knows what and blending whatever but then it's fashion ;-)) haha
  Pam: I cared about how I dressed when I was 7 but when I knew the term fashion even existed was when I was 11-12. XD

 8. What inspired you to start a blog?

  Daphne: For me, I just wanted to record my outfits to see how I would evolve fashion wise.
   Anne: Just the fun of it and connecting with my friends :-)
  Pam: I guess just seeing Camille and Kryz Uy just sort of inspired me and I just thought hey why not start a blog?

 9. Speaking of bloggers, who are your favorite [fashion] bloggers?

  Daphne: Kryzuy, and Patricia Prieto!
  Anne: Same here Daphne! but I do love the blog : fashiontoast too!
  Pam: Obviously them and Camille Co as well. ;)

 10. Where do you get your inspirations for blog posts?

  Daphne: Idk...I usually don't have any inspirations other than my outfits.
  Anne: Inspirations? I guess my ideas just pop out of my head then I get so giddy about the idea and start planning
  Pam: I don't really know but probably ongoing trends and stuff..

Random questions:

 11. How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

  Daphne: A day? Maybe less...hahaha
  Anne: As long as I can survive the Hunger Games, maybe 3 ? but I'd get so grossed out by the lack of showering haha.
  Pam: Oh I don't even think I'd last a second.. XD

 12. If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring?

  Daphne: Someone outdoorsy, bananas, and a boat. :))
  Anne: Friends and family (of course), cellphone and my closet haha joke.
  Pam: I'd say an art kit, never ending supply of food and a fellow friend.

 13. If you had superpowers what would it be?

  Daphne: To fly! And maybe photographic memory! You know, for school. 
  Anne: Can having everything count? I can't decide on flying or the powers of the Invisible Woman 
  Pam: Oh I have no idea... XD Idk... I want to be that girl from whats that movie? The one with the girl who goes crazy and falls in love with the guy who has this eye thing that can make you die... I forgot... :P

 14. If you could be a character in a book or movie what would it be?

  Daphne: I want to be my OWN character in Harry Potter. That would be so awesome.
  Anne: Either Luna or Hermione because Luna just plain rocks I mean she's her own individual person and Hermione is just plain awesome always being herself :-)

 15. Any advice, tips, or last words to our readers?

  Daphne: Uhh...make good art. :) Credits to Neil Gaiman!
 Anne: Follow your heart and always be yourself because people will love you for yourself :-) Noodles and Toodles, Cya!
  Pam: I guess just to keep your head up, just because something that you want doesn't happen soon it will come along, just keep your hopes up, you'll never know. 

Thank you guys :) <3 

Do you want to know even more about them? Visit their blog:
Well that was fun! Do you have any questions for Dreaming Couture? Comment, they'll answer any of your questions.

Do you want to be interviewed or write a guest post for us? Email us at therandomgirlies{at}gmail{dot}com

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed!
Love, Hannah...<3

Join our contest!

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